The styling wax in winter - how to easily soften up a hair wax pomade in the colder climes
Posted on July 09 2018
Those of you who live in cooler climates will be all too familiar with the effect that the colder weather can have on wax-based styling pomades.
Beeswax-based hair waxes have a tendency to firm up in cold weather and can take longer to warm up prior to applying. We have grappled with this endlessly to try and find a middle ground for our clients - some of whom live in very warm and very cold climates.
Getting the balance of wax and oils can be tricky - especially if you choose, as we do, to avoid using harsh, artificial chemicals in our blends.
In colder climates, the wax component can make the pomade harden up. But in warmer climates, too little wax, or exchanging solid-state oils for their liquid-state cousins can damage the hold and change the texture for clients in warmer climates.
Having clients in a range of climates, we have had to work to find a point of best fit that seems to match the vast majority of climates.
Of course, the notable exceptions to this are climates like Melbourne - where the change of a few degrees can make the experience of using our waxes less enjoyable than we would like.
However, a client and close friend who has been on the product development (and testing) journey with us from nearly the beginning texted me last week with a with the perfect solution.
Here's what he said...
"I have a ripper thing I am doing with your hair wax...I scrape some off with the back of my nail as usual and drop it into the palm of my hand - and then I run the warm/hot tap over it for about 20 seconds.
Soft as a summer's day. Rub it b/w my fingers and straight into my hair - easy as. No lumps or bumps."
Brilliant! I've been using this method for two weeks now and it works a treat.
Not only does it make the process quick and easy, but it actually gives our styling wax a far more interesting texture as well.
As an added bonus, while I probably shouldn't draw attention to this, I have to say that it extends the coverage as well - meaning that a jar will last even longer than it's currently ludicrously long lifespan.
I would only make two comments - firstly, I find that I only need to run the hot water over a small ball of hair wax for about 6 seconds to get a similar result.
Secondly, be sure to not to get any moisture into the glass wax jar itself. This is really important as moisture can introduce bacteria into the container.
With that in mind, its a fabulous tip (thanks Sean), and one that has restored the pleasure to the ritual of using a natural wax-based hair pomade - even on a brisk 4-degree morning.
Looking for an Australian-made, all-natural styling wax? Explore our styling wax range